Kindness in coffee and tea. What more can their be?

Re-sip-rocate is a program that takes a twist on the popular altruistic act of reciprocal coffee chains. We partner with altruistic coffee shops for the day and try to create the largest pay-it-forward coffee chain.
One Saturday morning a month, a local coffee shop will provide their customers with a chance to purchase drinks for fellow patrons. The goal of the project is to have customers create the longest altruistic coffee/drink chain in Halifax (or even the world?!).


Timber Coffee Co:
Chain lasted: 12 hours
160 Drinks paid forward

Cortado Tasting Room
6-hour chain
92 Drinks paid forward

Dilly Dally Coffee Cafe:
Chain 13 hours
210 Drinks paid forward

Timber Coffee Co:
Chain 11 hours
140 Drinks paid forward

Just-Us Cafe: Sp .Garden
Chain lasted 8 hours